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Jobs : Application March 2


Senior Maya 3D Animator 6 week contract at Studio Gilay - Sydney

About the Role:

Start date: As soon as possible

Studio Gilay are looking for a talented and experienced animator to help us make a hard-hitting animated documentary for a young adult audience.

We need an animator that can work fast doing everything from simple subtle gestures and lip-sync to fast paced action, working predominantly with Maya.

This is a senior role, we are looking for you to guide a small team of animators, share some skills and get great results from our animators.

About Studio :

We are a design & animation studio based on Gadigal Country, SYDNEY. Founded by James Hackett & Jake Duczynski, we are passionate to push the nexus between design and story-telling with great characters, original scripts and innovative aesthetics. All of this is driven by a diverse, agile and multi-skilled team.

We are a design & animation studio based on Gadigal Country, SYDNEY. Founded by James Hackett & Jake Duczynski, we are passionate to push the nexus between design and story-telling with great characters, original scripts and innovative aesthetics. All of this is driven by a diverse, agile and multi-skilled team.

Studio Culture:

We actively encourage a collaborative, open environment where all crew can voice their thoughts, ideas and perspective.

  • A healthy, diverse work place with flexible hours

  • Opportunities to learn and share knowledge with colleagues of all skill levels

  • Daily dosage of ping pong, basketball and dog patting – all under our roof

  • Regular crew lunches and team events

If you feel you can help us with this we would love to hear from you.