Support, Share, Learn, Inspire and then Thrive We are stronger together.
Events - Past
Become Part of the Community
Subscribe to our community to receive invites to events, newsletters, podcast info, job ads and more. We also recommend following us on Instagram & Facebook. You can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
Masters Jobs Australia & NZ : Commercial - You need to have worked in the industry for 3 years or more to join the group.
Future Masters - Juniors Jobs Australia & NZ : You need to have worked in the industry for less then 5 years to join the group.
Masters the Community Group : Events 2016 to 2024 These are some of the hard-working people behind our outstanding creative industry. Great Networking and Talks In person & Online.
Volunteers Dinners
Events - Online & In-Person
Melbourne June : We invited some of the most experienced and hard-working female producers, freelancers, and artists to come together. Click for more info and photos
Jobs - Network Examples
Volunteer - Master contributing Member
A master member has been nominated by a member of the community and then been selected to become a Master of motion.
Volunteer - Contributing Member
Studios and Artists who contribute work, time or knowledge to Masters of motion, website, podcast, events or social media.
Freelance artists, who have been nominated and selected to appear in the masters of motion freelance document.
Associate Member
Students, producers and production companies, who work in the motion design, VFX and animation industry.
Contact / Apply
Email Matthew Packwood to Apply at : matthew@mastersofmotion.com.au
What is Masters of Motion is it a digital artist’s community?
Masters of Motion is a website, social media channel and podcast that provides the world with an insight into the Australian & New Zealand Animation industry. Comprising an online gallery featuring outstanding motion design, animation & visual effects work.
Our mission is to :
- Celebrate Australia's and New Zealand's motion artists and promote their extraordinary work.
- Inspire the next generation of motion designers, animators, visual effects and 3-D artists.
- Share work that is both technically and creatively outstanding.
- Represent the best motion projects being created in Australia.
- Create an archive of creative projects that can be referenced in the future.
- Create a connection between industry and educators.
- Tell the stories of the artists that create the work and explain the methods used to create it.
Core areas of interest :
Design - editing - motion design / graphics - animation - visual effects - 3-D animation
Studio management - production methods - marketing techniques - payment rates and contracts
- Industry and educators collaborating
- Improving the sustainability and professionalism of the industry
Freelance document aim :
- To help producers find good reliable freelance artists.
- To increase the amount of freelance work available to the artists in the document.
Say Hello
We would love to hear from you if you have a project to submit or would like to tell us about some great work being done, or would like to find out more information about us. We love talking about design, animation, events, technology and teaching.
Talk to you soon.
Matthew Packwood - Community Leader
Who’s behind the wheel ?
The founder of Masters of Motion Matthew Packwood has been a senior creative working in the motion design industry for over 20 years. Matthew also works as an educator teaching in both undergraduate and masters courses. He is passionate about design and is driven to promote the industry that has given him such a fantastic career. Find out more about Matthew Packwood at : www.matthewpackwood.com
Matthew Packwood : Masters of Motion - Editor and Curator
Masters of Motion helping the next Generation
Masters of Motion is a website, social media channel, and podcast that provides the world with a insight into the Australian and New Zealand animation industry. Comprising of an online gallery featuring outstanding motion design, animation and visual effects work. Our mission is to celebrate Australia's motion artists and to inspire the next generation of motion designers, animators, visual effects and 3-D artists.