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The online Masters of Motion event was a wonderful experience. It was expertly organised but still allowed for informal fun and spontaneous discussion and involvement. It was great to feel part of a bigger picture or wider community of like-minded people!

Cindy Scharka - Director at SLR Productions

This was a great evening, I find connecting with other individuals in the animation industry at our end of the earth is something I feel we need more of, and Masters of Motion is the perfect community for that.

Christopher Maguren - Animator - Auckland

10 out of 10 - Masters of Motion continues to promote and invite genuine discussions around pressing issues related to our industry and this event is another great example.

Kelly Lynagh - Director, Animator at 12field

The MOM events are a fantastic way to catch up with and meet colleagues and like minded peers. I look forward to them and always attend. For an online event they go very smoothly and the format works really well.

Alan Dickson - Director & Producer at Yukfoo

I really enjoyed being part of this event. As a speaker I think I got as much or more than the attendees as they were industry professionals with something to add.

Nathan Ortiz - CG Supervisor at Method Studios

I really enjoyed the night. It was a well structured networking and enjoyable event. Hope to be involved in more events in the future.

Steve Moltzen - Director at Cheeky Little Media

8 out of 10 - Great to chat to all of the different people, in all different positions, at all different companies, but in just one destination !

Mark Millar - Manager at Alt.vfx and T&DA

10 out of 10 - Matt consistently runs great events that provide opportunities for artists to connect and learn in a supportive and friendly environment.

Jacinta Blaxland - Generalist at Plastic Wax

Community : Our mission is to :

- Celebrate Australia's and New Zealand's motion artists and promote their extraordinary work.
- Bring senior people from the 2d / 3d Animation, Motion Design, Post, Games, CG & VFX industry together to network.
- Come up with ideas of how people can work together to improve the industry and be more diverse and sustainable.
- Create a connection between industry and educators.
- Inspire the next generation of motion designers, animators, visual effects and 3-D artists.
- Build and enhance a sense of community between the different disciplines in Australia and New Zealand.
- Create a connection between industry and educators.
- Tell the stories of the artists that create the work and explain the methods used to create it.


Past Events

April 2022 : IN-PERSON - VFX, CG & Games Industry networking and social drinks - Event is Full - Join the waiting list

December 2021 : IN-PERSON - CHRISTMAS EVENT - VFX & CG Industry networking end of year social drinks - Event is Full - Join the waiting list

December 2021 : IN-PERSON - CHRISTMAS EVENT - Motion design & animation industry networking & social Drinks - Event is Full - Join the waiting list

April 2020 : IN-PERSON - VFX & CG Industry Networking & Social Drinks : Melbourne - Event is Full - Join the waiting list

September 2020 : ONLINE - VFX, CG & Animation Industry Discussion Night with Method Melbourne Q&A Pane - Event is Full - Join the waiting list

October 2020 : ONLINE - Motion design an commercial animation industry discussion night with Mighty Nice and Kapwa - Event is Full - Join the waiting list

May 2020 : ONLINE - Freelance Discussion Night - We invited 30 of the best and most interesting, freelancers and remote workers to attend this event.

Weekly April to September 2020 : ONLINE - Lock down Friday night motion design drinks - Supporting the community. FREE MEETUP

Click for more info : Melbourne April 2020 - Networking Night : Top producers, freelancers, and artists to come together for Professional.

April 2020 : ONLINE - Discussion night with the creators of REBOTED - Director, Producers, Animators with Presentation’s and Q & A. Plus networking - Event is Full

Melbourne November 2019 - Networking Night : Top producers, freelancers, and artists to come together for Professional Networking. : Click for more info and photos

November 2019 - Networking Night : Top producers, freelancers, and artists to come together for Professional Networking. : Click for more info and photos - - Event is Full

Melbourne july 2019 : We invited some of the most experienced and hard-working female producers, freelancers, and artists to come together. Click for more info and photos

July 2019 : We invited some of the most experienced and hard-working female producers, freelancers, and artists to come together. Click for more info and photos

Melbourne September 2019 - Top producers and artists to come together 2 creative directors Talks / presentations. : Click for more info and photos

September 2019 : Creative directors talks / presentations by Patrick Da Cunha : Cadre Pictures and Michael Lomas : GRAMM : Click for more info and photos

Melbourne June 2019 : We invited 20 of the best and most interesting, freelancers and remote workers to attend this event. Click for more info and photos

June 2019 : We invited 20 of the best and most interesting, freelancers and remote workers to attend this event. Click for more info and photos - Event is Full

Click for more info : Online June Meet-up - Troll Bridge : Director, Producer & VFX Supervisor Presentation’s / Q & A Date : Wednesday the 24th of June

Monthly 2016 Onward’s : Click for more info : creative industry Meet-ups


FEATURED - Past Event


Discussion Night

You are invited to join us in a small, intimate and private discussion night. We have invited some of the best and most interesting studios, producers, freelancers and artists to come together. The aim of the night is to bring together senior colleagues from the Animation, Motion design & VFX disciplines for an open and friendly chat over a beer or glass of wine, so we can network and learn from one another.

It's a private invite only gathering. No students or general public.

What you will get ?

- Learned from some of Australia’s best artists and studio owners

- Ask questions about topics you are interested in learning about

- Be introduced to an exclusive group of top industry professionals

Date : Wednesday the 31st of October - 2018

Time : 6:00pm - 11:00pm

Venue : The Water Rat Hotel - 256 Moray St, South Melbourne

Invite only : Please let me know if you’d like to add someone to the list


6:00 Casual networking and discussions

6:30  Matthew Packwood introduction

6:45 Group discussion with panel of 4 industry leaders and Q&A

8:15 Introduction to attendees

8:30 - 11:00 Drinks : networking and discussions 

The Aims of the Meeting

- Bring senior people from the 2d / 3d Animation, Motion Design, Post, Games, CG & VFX industry together with freelancers to network.

- Come up with ideas of how people can work together to improve the industry and be more sustainable.

- Build and enhance a sense of community between the different disciplines in Australia and New Zealand.

Attending studios



The Sequence Group :

Method Studios :

Dirty Puppet :


BES Animation :






Jumbla : 

Post Lab IO :

Jumbla :

Passion Pictures :

Dragonboots Studios :

Fox Sports Creative :

Studios : registered attendees

AFL : Anthony Price- Mark Farrow - Robert Richards

 : Travis Hogg - Nick Venn - Rob Ride - Ben Boniface

Dirty Puppet : Cameron Gough - Jon Asquith

Fox Sports Creative : Grant Osborne - Kris Dollman - Paresh Patel

 : Malisa Perona - Michael Lomas - Jessica Herrera

Jumbla : Callan Woolcock - Cornel Swoboda - Jordan Booker

Jumbla : Charlotte Parsons - Steve Bradshaw - Danielle Carter

 : Damian Dunne Octavio.TV
 : octavio de lellis

Method Studios : TBA Post Lab IO : Darius Family

 : Pat Salter - Wilfred Patriarca - Karlene van Opdorp

Passion Pictures : Kate Goodwin - Sophie Woods

 : Haley Polacik John Gavin Goldy Andy Montague Sept Putra

The Sequence Group : Luke Bicevskis - Melissa Benavides

XYZ : Garett Mayow - Stevie Watkins

Attending artists & producers

Kate Guest :

Francesca D’Orazio :

David Abbott :

Drewe Clarke :

Jamie Scott :

Alan Do :

Chris Reynolds :  

Mark Farrow :

Marco Palmieri :

Luke Richardson :

Patrick Taylor :

Cordelia Brown :

Nathan Juno :

Krystal Schultheiss :

Willy Karl Beecher :

Rachel Tan :

Ted Adair :

Alyssa Smedley :

Dylan Mercer :

Simon Burgin :

Daniel Cowan :

Lukas Schrank :

Hugo Hors :

Courtney Hopkinson :

Jason Poley :

Jeremy Mansford :

Luke Richardson :

Bennet Parker :

Devon Kong :

Simon Lissaman :

Ash Millott :

Rodrigo Germano :

Steven Murdoch :

Kristin McCourtie :

Industry Panel Members - who will lead the discussion :


Kate Goodwin is the executive producer of Passion Melbourne, she has an in-depth understanding of the animation process.

Ineke Majoor is a VFX Executive Producer at Method Studios Melbourne, with over 25 years experience working at the elite level.

Cameron Gough is a animation director and the founder of the Melbourne-based animation studio Dirty Puppet.


Wilfred Patriarca : Co-Director and senior animation / visual effects Lead at Studio Pancho, with over 10 years experience..

Travis Hogg is a visual director, he uses both the camera and VFX as his tools to bring technically challenging stories to the screen.

Alan Dickson is a director and founder of Yukfoo which has worked in the commercial space in NewZealand & Australia for over 20 years.



It was great seeing the Buck team and the amazing work they work on. For the discussion rooms, it would have been nice to include a more diverse group. Being a producer, I was in the producer's room and we were all thinking it would have been good to have a mix of producers with artists to have more varied discussions. But otherwise, it was an entertaining evening :)

Diana Angelius : Producer at Mighty Nice Sydney

Great group of industry leaders, well organised and coordinated event that ran smooth as butter. Really great to see such a wide range of members of the industry coming together in one place.

Cameron Gough : Animation Director at Dirty Puppet

I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion night as it was great to talk about mental health with other people from the industry. The networking also works really well with the breakout rooms that were well organised.

Monique Smith : Production Coordinator at Princess Bento Studio

For me I found a great help in the networking rooms, lots of smaller discussions and connections made. I did find in the second group that I was grouped with a lot of people I had already been paired with and would have loved to meet more people.

Madeleine Parker-Hill : Animator at Ludo Studio

The Masters of Motion Discussion Nights are an absolute must for anyone working in the Animation/VFX industry! Getting a chance to speak directly with the amazing Alyssa Smedley and Dan Nixon from Pirate Size Productions was both insightful and valuable, as I got to learn more about one of my favourite topics - children’s animation in the Australian market. A great opportunity to network professionally as well as getting to know the local industry on a personal level.

Sugandha Tyagi : Post Coordinator | Stratosphere Agency

Wasn't sure what to expect but I had lot's of fun. Met some really interesting people, made some excellent connections and caught up with some old friends Shane Aherne - Director at ModelFarm

Great night and great conversations, Quite unexpected given it was a virtual event Tim Dyroff - Creative Director at Resolution

Great evening, really enjoyed meeting some amazing new people. James Marshall : Head of Studio at CDW Animation

Had a great night with Masters on motion, even with the it being online. Matthew and the team have set up a great community event for all vfx practitioners, it’s really worth being involved with.

David Booth : Vfx Supervisor/Director at SLATEVFX

I really feel these events are excellent for meeting people in the Animation and VFX Industry!

Matthew Diks : Animation Director at Flying Bark

I recommend anyone in visual effects to attend one of the Masters of Motion events, it was wonderful to ask the nitty gritty questions to the industry greats and a great way to network and connect with people across Oceania

Kasey Murdoch : Producer at Lost Cosmonauts

If you enjoyed the discussion night, it would be fantastic if you could write us a recommendation. The networking night was really informative and a great way of meeting people that I have always heard about but never actually bumped into. It's so cool to see new and familiar faces and find out what is going on in the industry from the best in the business.

Kim Tobin : Senior Compositor at Luma

Matthew's VFX Panels are well stocked with fascinating, passionate, and experienced professionals who all have a great story to tell, and wisdom to impart. It's great to network with such a quality crowd.

The Masters of Motion ZOOM event was a refreshing opportunity to connect with artists in our industry from across Australia and NZ. I think many who went did not have a clear idea of what to expect, and were really pleased to hear the quality of the people in the groups. I think as an ongoing event- this is great opportunity to share skills and insights in our community. Since most if us have been working remotely since Covid, it was particularly encouraging to hear the stories of how productions have been working and readjusting to these changed times.

Jo Boag : Executive Producer Animation, ABC Childrens

Attended the Master on Motion industry discussion night (with 12 field etc). Connected with some really interesting and diverse new people (which is big when you work remote from a very small town). Much of what was discussed was a familiar road to my industry experiences, but it was good to hear how others have faced and overcame the same challenges of technology and creativity in the industry. (great to see it wasnt all blokes either)

Fraser Munro : Motion Director