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Credits 05

Ghostbusters : Visual Effects by Iloura

VFX Executive Producer Simon Rosenthal
Executive Producer Ineke Majoor
VFX Producer Jeannette Manifold
VFX Supervisors Glenn Melenhorst & Andrew Hellen
CG Supervisor Avi Goodman
VFX Production Supervisor Tom Wild
VFX Production Managers Pippa Sheen & Pauline Piper

VFX Production Coordinators
Paul Glubb
Siobhan Fredin
Simran Khalsa
Rachael Tannous
Rachel Neville

VFX Pipeline Supervisor

Grant Adam

Asset Supervisors

Samuel Jensen
Greg O'Connor

Matchmove Supervisor 
Adrian Watkins

Lead Animation Supervisor
Nicholas Tripodi

Animation Supervisor
Terry Bannon

FX Supervisor
Paul Buckley

Lighting Supervisor
Drew Wood-Davies

Clean Up/Roto Supervisor
Keith Meure

Compositing Supervisors 
Matt Omond
Gabriel Reichle

Character TDs
Tim Mackintosh
Jordan Bartlett
David Johnson
Caleb Bell

Asset Artists

Duncan Fraser
John Saleem
Kiersten Casey
Kate Moon
Matt Peadon
Billy Perry
Sam Getz
Joe Wu
Josh Bramley
Bill Chen
Daniel McDonald

Matchmove Artists

Vaughn White
Adrian Moyes
Dom Francis
Julian Gregory
Ryan Seymour
Bridgette Perrers
Nathan Jennings
Hyuk Hur
Alex Pinches
Timothy Major
Alex Goodwin
Martin Garcia
Vikas Kurup
Nicole Ashford
Anthony Church
Danny Banda
Edward Fokkema
Ben Pettit


Guillaume Roux
Matt Weaver
Melanie Plett
Rhys Davey
Julien Boudou
Jun Zee Myers
Daniel Fotheringham
David Henderson
James Humphries
Jon Turburfield
Maria Juergens
Aljo Thomas
Daniel Jervis
Loic Miermont
Chris Bancroft
Thiago Tirapelle
Tim Strain
Emil Bidiuc
James Hollingworth
Fiona Kaye
Arief Leuvenardi



FX TD & Artists

Ben Anderson
Kevin Blom
Danielle Brooks
Dan Bethell
David Bemi
Van Aarde Krynauw
Chris Young
Alex Whyte
Aleksa Dodic
Ganesh Lakshmigandan
Chris Hempel
Daniel Hourigan
Simon Ross
Wanghua Huang

Lighting Artists

Josh Simmonds
Duncan MacDonald
Jensen Toms
Christian Sherriff-Smith
Sam Doolan
Jean-Yves Teillet
Jay C. Miller
Alana Lennie
Danny McNeill

Matte Painting Artists

Alan S.L. Lam
Carl Edlund
Thorsten Rolle


Alan Fairlie
David Edwards
Christophe Pacaud
Otto Thorbjornsen
Thomas Trindade
Vladimir Yordanov
Chris Henryon
Ryan Trippensee
Laura Dubsky
Rakesh Pusuluri
Shyam Nunna
Eric Deinzer
Caleb Thompson
Austin Ronald
Archie Dowell
Rebecca Manning
Susan Immonen
Peter Spinaze
Brad Roddy
Alex Coble
Nils Hansson

Clean Up & Rotoscope Artists

Brad Dunn
Ryan Bennett
Darcy George
Brendan Sutherland
Caithlin Ferrier
Shonnan Wibrow
Jarett Lee
Giselle Hunter
Liam Nantes
Lucas Heras
Noah Pascuzzi
Daniel May
Remus San Diego
Steve Barnes
Nitin Rathod
Guy Barnes
Chris Charlton
Will Hackett
Josh Azzopardi
Ethan Bentley
Finley McNeilage
Daniel Pacey
Dylan Shaw

Pipeline & IT

James Robison
Jason Gilholme
Kevin Desa
Jon Stanley
Edwin Erdmanis
Chris Bone
Daniel Flood
Adam Jones
Rodney O'Sullivan
Brent Hutchin
Frieder Czeschla
Tom Fisher
Steve Allison

Data Wranglers

Chris Dwyer
Brad Davenport
David Orman

VFX Editors

Michael Gilbert
Ryan Brassington
Dave Quinn

VFX Production Support

Margaret Phillips
Magdalena Bisogni
Debbie Cramb
Jane Lovell
David Jaffe