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Credits 06

Suspect Moustache - Viskatoons  

Client: SBS

Created by
Fabian Lapham

Fabian Lapham
Mahalia Brown
Demi Lardner
Tegan Higginbotham
Peter Kent
Andy Matthews 

Written & Directed by
Fabian Lapham 

Character design by
Sacha Bryning 

Animation by

Animation Director
Mark Sheard

Ariel Waymouth


David Tait 

Background Design
Mark Sheard
Ashleigh Beevers
Isaace Cafarella 

Character Rigger 
Asteria Setiono 

Mark Sheard
Asteris Setiono
Ashleigh Beevers
Isaac Cafarella 

Music by
Asher Pope
Lyrics by
Fabian Lapham & Asher Pope 

Vocals by
Haymen Kent 

Sound Design by
Music & Effects 

Executive Producer
Peter Viska