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Credits 16

Bottersnikes and Gumbles Title Sequence

Director: Alex Grigg
Executive Creative Director: Darren Price
Producer: Angiline Atkins
Head of Studio: Jeremy Howdin
Storyboard/ Animatic: Alex Grigg
Lead 2D Designer: Jason Pamment
Concept Art: Alexandre Diboine
3D Animation:  Lawrence Jet Wong
3D Lighting & Compositing: Wayne Osborne
Animation/Layout: Mike Singca
Graphic Design: Eddy Herringson
Composer: Michael Szumowski
Design Assistant: Ling Siu

2D Animator:
Murray Debus
Catriona Drummond
Alex Grigg
Mike Singca

Josh Edwards
Vincent E Sousa

2D Clean Up:
Joel Williams
Mike Singca
Catriona Drummond