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Credits 21

Mad Max: Fury Road - Visual Effects by Iloura

Visual Effects By Iloura, Australia
Visual Effects Supervisor: Tom Wood
Visual Effects Producer: Fiona Crawford
Sequence Supervisors: Dan Bethell Julian Dimsey
Head Of Visual Effects: Simon Rosenthal
Sequence Producer: Ineke Majoor
Head Of Production: Tom Wild
2D Supervisor: Lindsay Adams
3D Supervisor: Clinton Downs
Cg Supervisor: Laurent Hugueniot

Production Managers: 
Linda Luong
Jayne Herrmann
Pippa Sheen
Georgia Smith

Production Coordinators: 
Rebecca Vujanovic
Emily Killick
Tu Nhi
Lam Keya
Margaux Peach
Shoshanah Wall
Pip Wright

Asset Artists:
Greg O’Connor
Peter Kober
Chris Archer
Camela Cheng
John Mc govern
Joe Wu
Tristan Lock

Mark Dedaj
Chris Dwyer
Katey Freyburg
Dave Orman
Dave Quinn

IT Support:
Dylan Penhale
Jon Stanley
Allan Dalton
Andrew Galka
Adam Jones

Lighting Artists:
Jensen Toms
Jay C. Miller
Rob East
Carlos Cidrais
Sam Doolan
Alana Lennie
Stefan Litterini
Damien Mahoney
Matthias Mittelmeyer
Jeremy Pronk
Sebastian Ravagnani
Josh Simmonds

Fx Artists:
Chris Young
David Cunningham
Rahul Deshprabhu
Jonathan Freisler
Makoto Hatanaka
Duncan Macdonald
Srdjan Milosevic
Steve Shearston
Ferry Taswin
Alexander Whyte

Animation Artists:
Dean Elliott
David Henderson
David Johnson
Heath Pagram
Will Pryor
Nicholas Tripodi
Ray Van Steenwyk

Tracking Artists:
Ryan Pilcher
Adrian Watkins
Nicole Ashford
Marcus Bain
Michael Bongiorno
Dominic Francis
Martin Garcia
Hyuk Hur
Nathan Jennings
Arthur Jing
Adrian Moyes
Nathan Sheldrick
Vaughn White

Lead Compositors:
Kris Carson
Chris Davies
Archie Dowell
Dominic Hellier
Filipe Marques
Matt Omond
Phil Outen
Gabe Reichle
Andrew Shanks
Caleb Thompson

Niki Bern
Kate Bernauer
Genevieve Camilleri
Matt Brunner
Alex Coble
Murray Curtis
Thomas Devereaux
Dustin Cumming
Yoav Dolev
Steven Drew
Laura Dubsky
Simon Dye
Alan Fairlie
Gene Hammond-Lewis
Nils Hansson
Mick Harkin
Daniel Harkness
Mark Harmon
Aeon Henderson
Chris Henryon
Nicholas Hodgkinson
Susan Immonen
Morgan Jones
Stanley Jones
David Law Guy
Daniel May
Thomas Middleton
Norah Mulroney
Jamie Nimmo
Jesse Parkhill
Nandakumar Payankulath
Emily Probert
Aled Prosser Sinisa
Davee Ramos
San Diego
Brett Reyenger
Jill Round
Genevieve Serna
Rick Van De Schootbrugge
Denis Scolan
Angela Stanley
Ken Stewart
Tom Van Dop
Ezequiel Villanueva
Kim Tobin
Matthew Wynne

Roto/Paint Artists
Em Baker
Steve Barnes
David Costello
Caithlin Ferrier
Josh Hulands
Jarett Lee
Rebecca Lyons
Wright Alan
S.L Lam
Ashley Mason
Dan Mcdonald
Keith Meure
Monique O’halloran
Noah Pascuzzi
Tim Preston
Nerina Sanchez
Jonathon Sumner
Brendan Sutherland
Sebastian Tran
Ged Vernardakis
Daniel Ward
Vaughan Walsh
Ben Wotton

Digital Matte Painters:

Andrew Clarke
Richard Collis
Vincent Fiere
Jacek Irzykowski
Danny Janevski
Thomas Kayser
Thorsten Rolle
Istvan Veress-Kovacs

Pipeline / R&D:

Grant Adam
Chris Bone
Edwin Erdmanis
Jason Gilholme
Van Aarde Krynauw
James Robison
Jackson Williams
Rodney O’sullivan

Resource Managers: Magdalena Bisogni Debbie Cramb
Pre-Visualization Production Manager: Ingrid Johnston
Pre-Visualization Production Coordinator: Suzanne Evans-Booth
Pre-Visualization Cg Supervisor: Laurent Hugueniot
Pre-Visualization Coordinator: Jodie Camilleri
Lead Pre-Visualization Artists: Glenn Burton & Pablo Plaisted


Pre-Visualization Artists:
Dylan Yeo
Nik Kacevski
Chewie Chan

IT Support
Dylan Penhale
Jon Stanley
Allan Dalton
Andrew Galka
Adam Jones,