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Credits 23

Rising Sun Pictures :   X-Men Apocalypse  

Director: Bryan Singer
VFX Producer: Blondel Aidoo
VFX Supervisor: John Dykstra, Matt Sloan
Rising Sun Pictures: Aaron Fickling

Adam Potter
Alana Newell
Albert Radosevic
Albert Radosevic
Alexander Meddick
Alice Wilson
Amy Gunson
Andrew Clarke
Andrew Palmer
Andrew Peel
Anissa Senoussi
Anne Vu
Anthony Smith
Anto Bond
Anu Vijayan
Arthur Moody
Arthur Moody
Ashleigh White
Ben Dickson
Benjamin Holen
Benjamin Paschke
Brodie Mccrossin
Brodie Mccrossin
Bryn Bayliss
Caroline Sandgren
Chelsea Mirus
Christopher Janssen
Christopher King
Claire Kearton
Claire Kearton
Craig Field
Damien Thaller
Daniel Schneider
Daniel Thompson
Daniel Velikov
Daniel Wills
David Cattermole
Dean Richichi
Dennis Jones
Dylan Binns
Eduardo Cardoso
Emma Hildestrand
Gabriel Roccisano
Gemma Wood
Gillian Howe
Greg Wieder
Hao Truong
Harry Medlin
Heath Dingle
Hubert Maston
Hubert Maston
Jack French
James Bleakley
Jess Burnheim
Jesse Balodis
Jillian Brooks
Johan Gabrielsson
John Perrigo
John Toth
Jonathon Coy
Joshua Kelly
Daniel Harkness


Julien Taton
Kathryn Adams
Kenneth Stewart
Kevin Campbell
Kieran Ogden-Brunell
Kieran Shepherd
Kurt Debens
Luke Parsons
Marcus Bain
Mark Story
Marko Perendija
Matthew Shaw
Melissa Sheldrick
Merinda Janse Van Rensburg
Michael Furniss
Michael Larue
Michael Larue
Naeem Chudawala
Nathan Zeppel
Nicholas Beins
Nicholas Deboar
Nicholas Ng
Nick Pill
Noah Vice
Paris Downes
Paul Kirwan
Paul Taylor
Pauline Costantini
Peter Dudley
Peter Jurca
Philippe Roberge
Pim Shaitosa Eklow
Premamurti Paetsch
Qazi Hamza Javed
Quentin Medda
Rajbir Dhalla
Ranajoy Kar
Ranjith Kizhakkey
Richard Collis
Richard Thwaites
Roberto Genito
Roberto Rodricks
Ryan Grobins
Ryan Heniser
Ryan Kirby
Sam Hancock
Sam Hodge
Samundeswari Vaidhyanathan
Saptarshi Chakraborty
Shane Aherne
Shawn Mccarten
Sheng Yaw Lim
Shoban Narayanan
Simon Herden
Simon Walsh
Sophie Beck
Stefan Cocks
Stellios Cypreos
Sven Lundin
Thomas Cant
Timothy Crosbie
Ting-Yun Lu
Tor Andreassen
Victor Glushchenko
Ying Ghit La
Zoe Lamaera