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Credits P3 03

Game of Thrones Season 6 - Breakdown : Rising Sun Pictures

Kevin Campbell
Marc Varisco
Marcus Riquier
Mark Day
Mark Story
Matt Shaw
Nick Pill
Paris Downs
Paul Kirwan
Prema Paetsch
Richard Thwaites
Ryan Grobins
Sam Hancock
Sam Hodge
Shane Berry
Simon Herden
Simon Malessa
Simon Walsh
Spyro Polymiadis
Stuart MacKenzie
Thomas Price
Tim Crosbie
Victor Glushchenko
Vinnakota Gupta

Director: Francis Lawrence
VFX Producer: Walter Garcia
VFX Supervisor: Charlie Gibson

Rising Sun Pictures:

Adam Paschke
Adam Potter
Alana Newell
Alex Meddick
Andrew Palmer
Anto Bond
Ben Dickson
Ben Paschke
Chris King
Damien Thaller
Dan Wills
Daniel Thompson
David Cattermole
Dennis Jones
Gemma Wood
Jared Embley
Jason Madigan
Jesse Balodis
Kenny Yong