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Jobs : Application March 4


Motion Graphics / Animator at Motion By Design

Salary based on experience and skill set.

- Motion By Design is a full-service video and animation agency company in Adelaide, South Australia.

- We create a high-end video, VFX, and motion graphics all in-house.

- We are a small hardworking team looking for a talented mid-level animator/motion graphic artist to join us in a full-time capacity within our Adelaide-based office.

- We are looking for someone who is excellent with After Effects, but also is keen on a little video editing/ design and videography on the side.

Please include a written cover letter, resume, and most importantly your reel.

Applications that do not include a reel or examples of work will not be considered.

Interstate applications are welcome if willing to relocate.

Qualifications & experience

- Strong proficiency in After Effects, Illustrator and Photoshop

- Strong eye for design, Typography, and ability to translate designs into motion

- Video Editing Experience Preferable

- Must be an Australian resident