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Mentoring Payment


Mentoring Session Payment


Hello Simon

I am excited about this week session, it’s going to be a big one and we can hopefully get some strong progress on improving your marketing material.

Booking and payment : Once you have been invited to attend a session and confirmed your date and time of session with Matthew, you can pay by credit card below.

Mentoring Session Payment


Mentoring details & prices

Review Session
Over Skype or in person :  
- 4 hour complete customised assessment of your personal or business strategy and marketing materials. 
- Review of your folio/showreel and work. 
- Assessment in regards to quality and marketability. 
- Assess your present goals. 
- Option to discuss relevant issues. 
- Prepare questions in advance.
- You will be required to work hard in order to create plans and a deliverables list. 
- Then you will be encouraged to implement what you decide to achieve.

Cost : 
Students : $200 per review session
Professionals : $400 per review session
Studio : $600 per review session  


Ongoing 4 : 5 to 12 Mentoring or Coaching Sessions - Ongoing
Over Skype :
Booking for 6 to 12 sessions : fortnightly or monthly. 
- Create a plan with a timeline and list of goals to achieve over the year ahead.
- Build confidence through guidance.
- Build or improve marketing materials.
- Implement business strategies and marketing.
- Discuss issues as they arise.
- Accountability : it's important to achieve your goals.

Cost : 
Students : $100 per session - Minimum 4 x 1-2 hour mentoring sessions
Professionals :  $200 per session - Minimum 3 x 1-2 hour mentoring sessions
Studio : $350 per session - Minimum 3 x 1-2 hour mentoring sessions

Note : Sessions need to be paid for in advance and are not refundable.
Payment method : Through masters website or Invoice and direct deposit