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Pause fest

Event : Three day conference
When : February 8th to 10th 2017  
Where : ACMI Melbourne
About : Pause is Australia's premier creative, tech and business event. A catalyst for innovation, a uniter of all industries, and a platform for the future, Pause brings the world’s foremost thought leaders from companies

Motion Response and Opening Titles:
The Motion Response is Pause’s signature initiative that allows artists from around the world deliver a series of cutting-edge animations based on the festival’s annual theme. The Motion artists can gain back the creative control, experiment, collaborate, learn new tricks, get recognition, valuable industry promotion and have fun in the process. Pause Opening Titles will be crafted by Xiaolin Zeng

Pause Motion Response 2017:
- Damian Dunne, Milked, Australia
- Scott Geersen, Substance C, Australia
- Luke Bicevskis, The Sequence Group, Australia
- Edvins Puzinkevics, Vault49, USA
- Jon Noorlander, Method Studios NY, USA
- David Brodeur, Locked And Loading, USA
- Alex Frukta, Nord Collective, Russia
- Carlos Alberto Rupit Olvera, Sociedad Fantasma, México
- PJ Richardson, Laundry, USA
- Seth Molson, Seth Molson, Canada
- Giovanni Mauro, Freelancer, Italy

Website :




Event : Node - One day conference
When : November 18th 2016    
Where : ACMI Melbourne
About : Node brings the best in Australian Motion Graphics and Animation together to share their work, industry insights and creative inspiration with peers and wannabes.

Tim Clapham - Luxx
Raoul Marks - Freelance
Annabel Dundas - Tilt Creative
Chris Morris - Breeder
Erin & Aj - Room 3
Scott Geersen - Substance
Domenico Bartolo - 21-19
James Cowen - Yes Captain 

The experts : Hear from the best in the industry about how they’ve created some award-winning work. The node bag : What’s an event without freebies? The Node bag will have a bunch of cool stuff to keep you informed, amused and fed! The food : Lunch is on us. Our program is jam packed so a tasty lunch is included in your ticket price and delivered right to you at the venue. The network : Chat, collaborate and connect. Who knows? Your next big project could be just waiting for you to find it among your fellow Node-sters! The prizes : Think software, hardware, discounts and anything else we can get our hands on. We’ll have our prize palooza well stocked for the event. The party : It’s our shout! Every event needs an after-party where you get to chill and chat over a beverage.

Website :