Discussion Night Tickets
Discussion Night
You are invited to join us in a small, intimate and private discussion night. We have invited some of the best and most interesting studios, producers, freelancers and artists to come together. The aim of the night is to bring together senior colleagues from the Animation, Motion design & VFX disciplines for an open and friendly chat over a beer or glass of wine, so we can network and learn from one another.
It's a private invite only gathering. No students or general public.
What you will get ?
- Learned from some of Australia’s best artists and studio owners
- Ask questions about topics you are interested in learning about
- Be introduced to an exclusive group of top industry professionals
Date : Wednesday the 31st of October
Time : 6:00pm - 11:00pm
Venue : The Water Rat Hotel - 256 Moray St, South Melbourne
Cost : $25 (For costs of venue, drinks, lanyards and organising)
Invite only : Please let me know if you’d like to add someone to the list
6:00 Casual networking and discussions
6:30 Matthew Packwood introduction
6:45 Group discussion with panel of 4 industry leaders and Q&A
8:15 Introduction to attendees
8:30 - 11:00 Drinks : networking and discussions
The Aims of the Meeting
- Bring senior people from the Animation, Motion Design & VFX industry together with freelancers to network.
- Come up with ideas of how people can work together to improve the industry and be more sustainable.
- Build and enhance a sense of community between the different disciplines in Melbourne.
Attending studios - so far
AFL : www.afl.com.au
Airbag : www.airbag.co
The Sequence Group : www.thesequencegroup.com
Method Studios : www.methodstudios.com
Dirty Puppet : www.dirtypuppet.com
XYZ : www.xyzstudios.com
BES Animation : www.bogan-es.com
Pixel : www.pixel.melbourne
Octavio.TV : www.octavio.tv
Pancho : www.pancho.com.au
Milked : www.milked.com.au
Gramm : www.grammstudio.com
Jumbla : www.jumbla.com
Post Lab IO : www.postlab.io
Jumbla : www.jumbla.com
Passion Pictures : www.passion-pictures.com
Dragonboots Studios : www.dragonbootsstudios.com
Fox Sports Creative : www.vimeo.com
Studios : registered attendees
AFL : Anthony Price - Mark Farrow - Robert Richards
Airbag : Travis Hogg - Nick Venn - Rob Ride - Ben Boniface
Dirty Puppet : Cameron Gough - Jon Asquith
Fox Sports Creative : Grant Osborne - Kris Dollman - Paresh Patel
Gramm : Malisa Perona - Michael Lomas - Jessica Herrera
Jumbla : Callan Woolcock - Cornel Swoboda - Jordan Booker
Jumbla : Charlotte Parsons - Steve Bradshaw - Danielle Carter
Milked : Damian Dunne Octavio.TV : octavio de lellis
Method Studios : TBA Post Lab IO : Darius Family
Pancho : Pat Salter - Wilfred Patriarca - Karlene van Opdorp
Passion Pictures : Kate Goodwin - Sophie Woods
Pixel : Haley Polacik John Gavin Goldy Andy Montague Sept Putra
The Sequence Group : Luke Bicevskis - Melissa Benavides
XYZ : Garett Mayow - Stevie Watkins
Attending artists & producers
Kate Guest : www.therefinery.net.au
Francesca D’Orazio : www.linkedin.com
David Abbott : www.daveabbott.com.au
Drewe Clarke : www.breakpixel.com
Jamie Scott : www.generatorpost.com.au
Alan Do : www.cadrepictures.com.au
Chris Reynolds : www.retrobox.com.au
Mark Farrow : www.markfarrow.com.au
Marco Palmieri : www.marcoplamieri.com.au
Luke Richardson : www.extradollop.com
Patrick Taylor : www.itsptaylr.com
Cordelia Brown : www.cordeliabrown.com.au
Nathan Juno : www.nathanjuno.com
Krystal Schultheiss : www.krystalschultheiss.com
Willy Karl Beecher : www.willykarlbeecher.com
Rachel Tan : www.nfanimation.com
Ted Adair : www.tedadair.com
Alyssa Smedley : www.horriblehorris.com
Dylan Mercer : www.dylankmercer.com
Simon Burgin : www.responsve.com
Daniel Cowan : www.danielcowan.com.au
Lukas Schrank : www.lukasschrank.com
Hugo Hors : www.hugohors.com
Courtney Hopkinson : www.courtneyhopkinson.com
Jason Poley : www.jasonpoley.com
Jeremy Mansford : www.jeremymansford.com
Luke Richardson : www.extradollop.com
Bennet Parker : www.bennetparker.com
Devon Kong : www.devonkong.com
Simon Lissaman : www.artstation.com
Ash Millott : www.vimeo.com
Rodrigo Germano : www.vimeo.com
Steven Murdoch : www.linkedin.com
Kristin McCourtie : www.cgfutures.com
Industry Panel Members - who will lead the discussion :
Kate Goodwin is the executive producer of Passion Melbourne, she has an in-depth understanding of the animation process. www.passion-pictures.com
Ineke Majoor is a VFX Executive Producer at Method Studios Melbourne, with over 25 years experience working at the elite level. www.methodstudios.com
Cameron Gough is a animation director and the founder of the Melbourne-based animation studio Dirty Puppet. www.dirtypuppet.com
Wilfred Patriarca : Co-Director and senior animation / visual effects Lead at Studio Pancho, with over 10 years experience.. www.pancho.com.au
Travis Hogg is a visual director, he uses both the camera and VFX as his tools to bring technically challenging stories to the screen. www.airbag.co
Alan Dickson is a director and founder of Yukfoo which has worked in the commercial space in NewZealand & Australia for over 20 years. www.yukfoo.net
Moderator : Matthew Packwood is the founder, and curator & editor of Masters of Motion. Matthew will moderate the discussion. www.matthewpackwood.com