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VFX & CG 2024 - Rooms

CG & VFX Animation Event - Break Out Rooms

Room 1

Producing & Management

1. Jodie Camilleri - MC

2. Jenny Bae

3. David Webster

4. Adriana Arriaga

5. Pat Dedal

6. Andra Christie

7. Sugandha Tyagi

8. Daisy Lawless

9. Paul Schumann

10. Ben Newsom

11. Marcus Wells

Room 2

VFX Supervising

1. Jason Galeon - MC

2. Brendan Seals

3. Garrick Rawlingson

4. Joanna Davison

5. Vojislav Milanovic

6. James R Macdougall

7. Rangi Sutton

8. Jeremy Howdin

9. Mathew Baullo

10. Mark van den bergen

11. Greg Ng-Koenig

Room 3:

Lighting, Real Time, Look Dev

1. Arman Haque - MC

2. Matt Lumb

3. Laurent Herveic

4. Brian Sharpe

5. Andrew Taylor - Senior

6. Adam Phillips

7. Son Ly

8. Aden Manning

9. Emily Fiedler

10. Hannah-Marjut

11. Francesca Milde

Room 4 :


1. Matt Diks - MC

2. Stephanie Parker

3. Cristian Guerreschi

4. Ryan Greaves

5. Jhon Alvarado

6. Ian Lade

7. Milly Mortensen

8. Stewart Alves

9. Zoe McFayden

10. Rachel Neville

Room 5

CG : Computer Graphics

1. Enrique Caballero - MC

2. Paige de Vanny

3. Lukas Niklaus

4. Michael Yates

5. Byron Linturn

6. Andrew Boal

7. Stephanie Tomoana

8. NIcholas Watson

9. Kelvin Chiu

10. Benjamin Rayner

Room 6

FX, CFX & Simulations

1. Alexander Murphy - MC

2. Younes Fareh

3. Nick Petit

4. Thomas Cant

5. David Frodsham

6. Jamie Dunbar

7. James Clift

8. Dr Kathy Constantin

9. Eliza Thomas

10. Lewis Taylor

Room 7

Pipeline, IT & Software Dev

1. Ben Andersen - MC

2. James Robison

3. Kevin Campbell

4. Jason Gilholme

5. Thomas Claxton

6. Johannes Franz

7. Rares Hornet

8. Honey Sharma

9. Glen Parker

10. Romain Maurer

11. Egor Pyrkov

Networking Roomleader

1. Enrique Caballero - Supervisor - Animal Logic

2. Garrick Rawlingson - Fonder VFX Supervisor - Floating Rock Studio

3. Francesca - Compositor - Luma Pictures

4. Alexander Murphy MC - CFX & FX Artist - Framestore

5. Ben Andersen - MC Scanline vfx - Pipeline Dev Consultant

6. Arman Haque - MC Lighting Artist - Glitch Productions

7. David Webster - Managing Director - Cheeky Little

8. Sugandha Tyagi - Writer, Producer, Coordinator - Freelancer

9. Mathew Baullo - Inverleigh - Motion Graphics

10. Kelvin Chiu - 3D Artist - Freelance

11. Marcus Wells - Talent Consultant - PXL Talent

12. Matt Diks