VFX and CG Industry community night
Aims and how the networking works
We aim to bring interesting and hard-working artists and producers from around Australia together from the major VFX, commercial animation, and 3-D studio’s, to learn from each other and network together. We will have small breakout rooms for networking before and after the event, you can choose who you would like to chat with at the event. We will also have a networking guide with profile photo and contact details.
VFX, CG & Animation Industry Discussion Night
September Guest Studio : Method Melbourne Q&A Panel
With a 30-year legacy of creative passion and stand-out VFX and animation work, Method is passionate about producing the best impact on screen ‐ from the production of high quality, fast‐turnaround pre‐visualisation through to a flawless final shot or sequence. www.methodstudios.com
You are invited to attend
- on Wednesday 23rd September -
About the discussion night
You are invited to join us in a small, intimate and private discussion night. We have invited some of the best and most interesting studios, producers, freelancers and artists to come together. The aim of the night is to bring together senior colleagues from the VFX, 3D, CG, Post, Design & Animation disciplines for an open and friendly chat over a beer or glass of wine, so we can network and learn from one another.
Date : Wednesday 23rd September Time : 6:00 PM to 9:30PM
Hosts : Matthew Packwood and Ash Ramji
Professional development : Learned from others
- Be introduced to an exclusive group of top industry professionals - Ask questions about topics you are interested in learning about - Be updated on the industry trends and opportunities - Become less isolated in your work by meeting with fellow artists
- A networking guide with Photo & portfolio and contact details.
- Provide a list of people you would like to network with.
Why only 50 people ?
- Everybody gets the opportunity to talk.
- It’s small to enable easy communication and networking.
- It’s important if you register you attend or cancel in advance.
What you need to provide ?
- Your contact details portrait photo and a IMDB or LinkedIn link
- You will be asked to provide questions for the discussion
Please note Your registration details may be used for marketing to you by Masters of Motion and the event sponsors.
Requirements / info
1. Be ready with, wine, beer, tea, hot chocolate and great snacks
2. Webcam, microphone & earphones
3. Computer with plugged in fast Internet - If you have it, or Wifi
Note : You must wear earphones to stop feedback
- You can access the event via Zoom
6:00pm : Networking six Zoom groups drinks
6:45pm : Thank the Sponsors & Introduction
7:00pm : Method Studios panel : Main Q&A - 30 minutes session
7:30pm : Break into 6 small rooms / 20 minutes session : Small Q&As
7:50pm : Groups : Rotate People / 20 minutes session : Small Q&As
8:10pm : All back together, thank the panel members and sponsors
8:20pm : VFX networking Rotating Drinks : 6 Small Zoom Group
9:30pm : Thanks to everybody for coming - Event ends
Discussion Night : Attending so far…
31. Lara Hopkins : ILM - www.ilm.com
32. Alastair Stephen : Fin Design+Effects - www.findesign.com.au
33. Simon Scales : Director - www.cdwstudios.com
34. Josh Morris : Freelance - www.josh3dmorris.com
35. James Lucas : Epic Games : www.artstation.com
36. Rachel Neville : Flying Bark : www.flyingbark.com.au
37. Shane Aherne : ModelFarm - www.modelfarm.com.au
38. Brad Price : Flying Bark - www.linkedin.com
39. Michael Shiao Chen : Mighty Nice - www.mightynice.com.au
40. Bonnie Forsyth : Mighty Nice - www.mightynice.com.au
31. Luke Richardson : Freelance - www.extradollop.com
42. Jason Hawkins : Alt VFX - www.altvfx.com
43. Peter Lee : Luma Pictures - www.lumapictures.com
45. Simon Maddison : Cutting edge - www.cuttingedge.com.au
46. Mathew Baullo : Freelance - www.artstation.com
47. Jacinta Blaxland : IAG - www.blaxlandart.com
48. Ian Cope : Rising Sun Pictures - www.linkedin.com
49. Tyrone Estephan : Alt VFX - www.altvfx.com
50. Emile Rademeyer : Vandal - www.vandal.sydney
51. Tim Dyroff : Resolution - www.resolutiondesign.com.au
52. Andrew McGregor : Freelance - www.mcgregor.design
53. Margaret Phillips : Method - www.methodstudios.com
54. Lisa Gane : Method - www.linkedin.com
55. Krystal Sae Eua : Weta - www.wetafx.co.nz
56. Gv Prashanth : Mr. X - www.mrxfx.com
Organisers & Hosts
Matthew Packwood : Masters - www.matthewpackwood.com
Ash Ramji : RMIT - www.linkedin.com
Arman Haque : Freelance - www.vimeo.com
Ivy Hsu : MSI - www.msi.com
Leo Soenario : Wacom - www.wacom.com
1. Vojislav Milanovic : Prodigious - www.vojislavmilanovic.com
2. Ian Lade : Luma Pictures - www.lumapictures.com
3 .Rachael Dunk : ILM - www.rachaeldunk.com
4 .Stephen Casey : SlateVFX - www.scasey3d.com
5. Giuseppe Bufalo : Freelance - www.giuseppebufalo.com
6. Darren Price : Mighty Nice - www.mightynice.com.au
7. Diana Angelius : Mighty Nice - www.mightynice.com.au
8. Apostolos Gkantinas : Freelance - www.artstation.com
9. Josh Cole : Freelance - www.vimeo.com
10. Monique Smith : Freelance Producer - www.linkedin.com
11. John Feeley : Freelance Producer - www.imdb.com
12. Leath Mattner : Soundfirm - www.leathmattner.com
13. Genevieve Camilleri : VFX Supervisor - www.linkedin.com IMDB
14. Gabrielle Joosten : Cumulus VFX - www.cumulusvfx.com
16. Alyssa Blackwell : Mr. X - www.mrxfx.com
17. Jamie Dunbar : Dragon Boots Studios - www.dragonboots.com
18. Matt Estela : RYOT - www.linkedin.com
19. Evan Jenkins : Freelance FX Artist - www.linkedin.com
20. Blake Hollins : Method Studio - www.vimeo.com
21. Kolby Krook : ILM - www.vimeo.com
22. Tavis Roberts : ILM - www.ilm.com
23. Jorge Ruiz : Freelance - www.linkedin.com
24. Kevin Chua : Freelance - www.kevinchuatw.com
25. Marcus Wells : PXL - www.linkedin.com
26. Jake Hempson : Animal Logic - www.jake-hempson.com
27. Victoria Hetherington : Mr X - www.linkedin.com
28. Tyrone Estephan : Alt - www.altvfx.com
29. Antony Reed : Epic Games - www.linkedin.com
30. John Paul Macatol : Freelance - www.artstation.com