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Event : Sydney - 3 day conference
When : 7 April 2017 – 9 April 2017  
Where : The Factory Theatre
Event : Melbourne - 3 day conference
When : 31 March 2017 – 2 April 2017   
Where : Abbotsford Convent

About : Returning to Australia in April 2017, Gnomon Live will present artists curated by Hollywood’s Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Games + Animation for a weekend of live demos, masterclasses and drinks. Joined by Australian industry veterans we will also explore opportunities and issues for artists in the local industry.

Alex Alvarez - Founder Gnomon
Alex Nice - Art Director
Brian Recktenwald - Environment Artist
Josh Herman - Character Art Director
Miguel Ortega Director - Miguel Ortega Creature Fx
Neville Page - Creature & Concept Designer
Tran Ma - Character + Environment Artist
James De Colling - Zero Latency Vr
Simon Bronson - Method Studios
Adam Bax - Playside Studios
Luma Studios - Animal Logic
Greg O’connor - Iloura
Michael Tomkins - Buy Somewhere
Mick Hammell - Plastic Wax
Morten Rowley - Supervixen Studios
Also : Animal Logic and Luma Pictures

Websites :  &


Exhibit. A

Event :  Screening
When : 7pm - 16th of March 2017
Where : 20 Yarra st South Melbourne

Exhibit. A Current Theme : Running on empty

About : Ever wanted to smuggle a poison frog into work? Me either. This kind of risky business won't win you jobs, but it would look pretty cool on here. Exhibit . A is a curated online gallery space for motion designers, aimed at connecting motion folk by offering an excuse to create (and maybe show off just a little). Each exhibition is themed and will feature a new set of carefully hand-picked talents.

Keen to get involved? Send us a link to your site, folio or reel at Being a gallery space, there's a limited amount of places available for each exhibition, so sadly we can't accept everyone. If you miss out, don't feel discouraged, there's always the next one.
So the rules? Simple. 
1. It must stick to the theme. How you wish to interpret it is completely up to you. 
2. It must be square in dimension - 1080 x 1080.
3. It mustn't be longer than 15 seconds. 
Each exhibition will culminate in a screening event, where there'll be a chance to meet and mix with other amazing creatives and, of course, eat and drink a plenty! 


Website :




Event : Node - One day conference
When : November 18th 2016    
Where : ACMI Melbourne
About : Node brings the best in Australian Motion Graphics and Animation together to share their work, industry insights and creative inspiration with peers and wannabes.

Tim Clapham - Luxx
Raoul Marks - Freelance
Annabel Dundas - Tilt Creative
Chris Morris - Breeder
Erin & Aj - Room 3
Scott Geersen - Substance
Domenico Bartolo - 21-19
James Cowen - Yes Captain 

The experts : Hear from the best in the industry about how they’ve created some award-winning work. The node bag : What’s an event without freebies? The Node bag will have a bunch of cool stuff to keep you informed, amused and fed! The food : Lunch is on us. Our program is jam packed so a tasty lunch is included in your ticket price and delivered right to you at the venue. The network : Chat, collaborate and connect. Who knows? Your next big project could be just waiting for you to find it among your fellow Node-sters! The prizes : Think software, hardware, discounts and anything else we can get our hands on. We’ll have our prize palooza well stocked for the event. The party : It’s our shout! Every event needs an after-party where you get to chill and chat over a beverage.

Website :


UTS Masters of Animation

Australian award winning digital animation and visual effects production studio, Animal Logic, has partnered with the University of Technology Sydney to deliver a ground-­‐breaking industry led postgraduate program in digital animation and visualisation. The establishment of the UTS Animal Logic Academy will offer up to fifty students exclusive access to the first postgraduate degree of its kind, a Masters of Animation and Visualisation. The MAV program will foster the development of Australian creative talent in animation and visualisation industries, elevating Australia’s reputation as a centre of innovation and creative excellence. Widely known as one of the world’s most creative studios, Animal Logic has produced highly successful animated features including Happy Feet and The LEGO® Movie and visual FX for blockbuster films such as The Matrix, 300 and The Great Gatsby. With studios in Sydney, Los Angeles and Vancouver, Animal Logic is at forefront of the creative industries.  The UTS Animal Logic Academy will be located at UTS in the heart of Sydney. Commencing in 2017, the Academy will run an intensive postgraduate program that will be delivered in a professional studio setting that emulates the working environment of highly creative and technology driven studios like Animal Logic. 

“It is clear that Australia has a huge opportunity in the animation and visualisation industries, not just in the film and television sectors, but more broadly in the areas of digital visualisation and content creation, areas that traverse the games industries.  We are seeing a lot of investment going into the virtual reality and augmented reality industries encouraging the growth of a highly competitive global industry which is beneficial to Australia’s economy,” said Animal Logic CEO, Zareh Nalbandian.

Website : www.


Pause fest

Event : Three day conference
When : February 8th to 10th 2017  
Where : ACMI Melbourne
About : Pause is Australia's premier creative, tech and business event. A catalyst for innovation, a uniter of all industries, and a platform for the future, Pause brings the world’s foremost thought leaders from companies to Melbourne.

Motion Response and Opening Titles:
The Motion Response is Pause’s signature initiative that allows artists from around the world deliver a series of cutting-edge animations based on the festival’s annual theme. The Motion artists can gain back the creative control, experiment, collaborate, learn new tricks, get recognition, valuable industry promotion and have fun in the process.

Pause Opening Titles : Will be crafted by Xiaolin Zeng China.

Pause Motion Response 2017:
- Damian Dunne, Milked, Australia
- Scott Geersen, Substance C, Australia
- Luke Bicevskis, The Sequence Group, Australia
- Edvins Puzinkevics, Vault49, USA
- Jon Noorlander, Method Studios NY, USA
- David Brodeur, Locked And Loading, USA
- Alex Frukta, Nord Collective, Russia
- Carlos Alberto Rupit Olvera, Sociedad Fantasma, México
- PJ Richardson, Laundry, USA
- Seth Molson, Seth Molson, Canada
- Giovanni Mauro, Freelancer, Italy

Website :



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