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Gallery 07


GALLERY - A selection of great work


Nocturnal Migration Breakdown

Alt : The one job that really helped establish the reputation of Alt.vfx as true craftsmen of visual effects. Using the brand’s iconic stag, the idea for this spot was to have deer doing the same sort of things we do on a Saturday night. Directed by Garth Davis of Exit Films. This  project picked up a whole swathe of awards, including: CLIO Award, Cannes Lion, Hollywood NextStage Awards, Spikes Award Asia, One Show Design Awards, ADFEST Awards and a World Medal for Special Effects.


Pause Fest Opening Titles

Breeder : Equilibrium ; a stable situation in which products and reactants are balanced. The experiment exists in an alternate world where science does not behave the same way as our world. There, gravity is warped and time is suspended. The parts of the experiment seem to be part of something bigger, working for a common goal; a grand scheme that is slowly revealed. Reactions become more exciting and erratic; catalysts for each other. The entire experiment represents the energy from Pause Fest.


Freeview Online

Yukfoo : Free Your TV : A mini-movie as part of the Free Your TV campaign for free-to-air digital TV service Freeview. Featuring the spunky animated IT boffin Jess, the spot gives new meaning to to the term “compassionate leave” as Jess liberates a very sad and distraught TV from the dead boring stockbroker’s office where she works. This is the longer online version which provides more backstory than the TVC animation.


Hope - Shine Lawyers TVC

Airbag : A full animated campaign Directed by Steven Nicholson for Shine Lawyers, via Clemenger BBDO Brisbane.


Giggle Fangs

Yukfoo : He’s a b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b BAT! Hugely important to all concerned was ensuring that Giggle Fangs remained resoundingly “not scary”, so we upped the cuteness levels to 11 and devised a delicate mix of 3D, 2D and naïve styles to soften any frightening edges. Working closely with the team at ABC Kids (who know best what their dedicated and hyper-critical audience want) allowed us to tap into a wealth of brand nous, essential for such an anticipated character unveiling as Giggle Fangs. Which is not to say it wasn’t the most fun we’ve had animating in ages – cause it was.


SBS Immigration Nation Promo

Simon Robson :  In November 2010, agency US Sydney approached me just after I arrived at Engine. They wanted to create promos for their new 3 part TV documentary Immigration Nation which explores the history of the white Australia policy. US Sydney wanted to create three live action-promos for each of the episodes and one 'Coming Soon' promo for the whole series. The visual idea for the Coming Soon promo was undefined, but US Sydney had written a killer voice over script with a great sting in the tail. SBS, not grasping what it would looked like, nearly killed the Coming Soon Promo. But in a last ditch attempt I offered up my work on Taking Liberties as visual reference for what the Coming Soon promo could look like. It did the trick. Props must go to great illustration provided by Pete McDonald and Typography by Luca from Likeminded Studio. And of course the efforts of the Engine team.


ABC2 Hummingbird Ident

Brendan Cook : I wrote and directed this campaign ident through pictureDRIFT for ABC2 Australia. The aim was to extend the current suite of idents and represent the quirky, cheeky and youthful character of the channel. The idents needed to feature the channel colours of pink and green and communicate a new interpretation on the tagline "Always Brighter". In this ident a cheeky hummingbird sips on tasty floral nectar which inspires a creative addition to a garden statue.


Bulleit Bourbon: It’s a Long Story

RES : It’s A Long Story - Bulleit Bourbon : The team worked tirelessly for a solid two months using a mix of live-action, stills photography, 2D & 3D animation, and just about every post trick up our collective sleeve. Bulleit was one of those projects that happen now and again that allow you total creative freedom to explore and create some amazing work. The team heavily invested in the project and were extremely passionate about pulling off something so ambitious.


Gotye Hearts a Mess

Brendan Cook : I directed this music video through pictureDRIFT for Gotye. Hearts a Mess is the multiple award winning single from his debut album "Like Drawing Blood". In the video, a pied piper character walks the Earth, calling on its strange inhabitants to leave the wasted planet and follow him to a new world. Elements and characters from the video were developed into live visuals, stage set pieces and merchandise.


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