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Gallery 06


GALLERY - A selection of great work


Flutter & 21-19 : Insurance might give the fine people at SGIO/SGIC the warm fuzzies but it certainly doesn’t tickle most people’s tootsies. To make insurance likeable, M&C Saatchi Sydney devised a unique campaign that would position SGIO/SGIC as a company with strength of character, personality and honesty and cut through the cluttered landscape to deliver this message with absolute clarity. M&C Saatchi called on Flutter and together we hopped on a metaphorical rocket ship and took as far a departure as possible from the insurance ads we’ve all been overexposed to; swapping out tired tropes for uniquely likeable characters designed by world-renowned illustrators Craig & Karl. We played on the simplicity of these characters and their world, using this as an asset to draw parallels between them and the unpretentious, sincere values of the company. Minimal environments—intentionally stripped back to highlight only the most essential elements—coupled with bold, eye-catching illustration, worked to inform and enrich the story in a way previously unseen in the insurance industry.



DD8 : Character Development - Each player has her own dynamic character, created to capture individual style.  RISE Australian Netball! Releasing The Inner Beast - By matching the visual effects to choreographed moves, we were able to achieve these abstract characters that mimicked the actions of the players. Injecting spot colour and a fast paced edit, helped build the intensity of the promo resulting in conjuring of all key beasts.


Carlton Dry - Hello Festival TVC

Pixel : We were tasked with creating this stop-motion paper styled animation for Carlton Dry and we had a non-stop-raucous-high-fivin’-ball making it. There were heaps of opportunities to value add to the script and we were making little animation additions up until the last few days. The only casualty of this job was a cute little bird we created who unfortunately got axed at the last minute. RIP little bird.


INXS Opening Titles

Visual Playground : designed the Opening Titles for the International Version for “INXS – Never Tear Us Apart”, mini-series for Shine Australia. The Opener depicts key moments in the band’s history by using a 2D animated collage effect using the bands album covers, hand written lyrics and production stills of the cast. VP utilised torn paper as a device to reveal the story of INXS.


Foot Locker Icons

Breeder : High-speed motion-controlled bedlam. Seven of the most popular sneakers ever made now come in a brand-new colourway and they’re only available at Foot Locker – to celebrate the bangin’ gold trim, Breeder were asked to throw paint on some of the freshest kicks around. The cherry on top of the wonderfully messy sundae was we got to rub shoulders with Fred and Barney, AKA two of the speediest robots in Australia. The end result is nothing but slow motion goodness, with major Jerry Seinfeld vibes. Bow chicka wow wow.


ANZ FastPay – Invoice Excuses

Flutter & 21-19 : Invoicing. Yuck. Dealing with invoices (particularly following up late ones) holds about as much appeal as licking a pedicure chair’s foot prop. But making a witty animation about people’s terrible ‘invoice excuses’? Well that’s a riot! We worked with Whybin\TBWA Melbourne to develop their entertaining scripts into two snappy animations showing off ANZ’s FastPay Next Generation service. FastPay helps you deal with people who haven’t quite grown out of the “my dog at my homework” phase, with the spots highlighting two of the worst excuses ever known to man. The backbone of these clever clips is the engaging and organic illustrations, created by our artist Rilla Alexander. The animation team then took each of these individually illustrated story elements and 2D-animated them in record time to produce the comical 30-second clips you see in front of you. Cha-ching!


Hiding Opening Titles

Masters of motion : A very unique and interesting opening titles sequence.


Melbourne University Open Day

Jumbla : A 3D animation made for Melbourne University for their upcoming Open Day in collaboration with McCann.


Raoul Marks : Spring is An abstracted visual interpretation of the themes associated with the Arab Spring. While not setting out to to be a polemic, this short is about the amazing manifestation of people power that is the Arab Spring.


RMIT – Computer Science & Information Technology

21:19 : A film created for RMIT to explain to future students the difference between their Computer Science and Information Technology degrees. Illustrations by Travis Price from The Jacky Winter Group.

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